Child Accident Attorney

Las Vegas Child Accident Attorney
Experiencing an accident that involves your child can be one of the most terrifying experiences that you endure. Children often hurt themselves and get minor injuries, that’s just part of growing up, but when they are involved in an accident which is someone else’s responsibility, you have to fight for their rights on their behalf. Unfortunately, in the USA, there are tens of thousands of children involved in accidents that cause major injuries every year. On average, about 12,000 of those cases include children who end up dying. Here is just a sample list of incidents where children regularly are involved:
- Road accidents as a Passenger
- Road accidents as a Cyclist
- Road accidents as a Pedestrian
- Accidents caused by a Dangerous Product
- Accidents at School, Nursery and College
- Amusement Park and Funfair accidents
- Lift or Escalator Accidents
- Accidents on Vacation
- Slips, Trips or Falls
- Accidents in Public Places
An experienced children’s injury attorney will protect your interests in court or work to get a satisfactory out-of-court settlement. In many cases, the compensation received from those lawsuits covers medical expenses for treatments that parents couldn’t otherwise afford, so it’s important to be well represented in these negotiations and/or legal proceedings.
PRO LAW GROUP has many years of experience in child injuries lawsuits. Our Las Vegas Personal Injury attorneys are devoted to getting you and your child the compensation you deserve and will not settle for anything less. To book a free initial consultation, contact us today on (702) 474-0500, and let us know more about your case and we can discuss a plan of action for you to consider. Please, keep in mind that statutes of limitation may apply and the sooner we act, the better.
It is our duty as human beings to protect children to the best of our abilities. Even if we fail to prevent an injury that they’ve experienced, we can make others more conscious about children’s safety, and get them to take action to prevent others from also being injured. Sometimes even the most “innocent” looking accidents are related to someone’s negligence.
How can an Accident Attorney help your child?
The first thing a seasoned Child Injuries attorney would do is determine what type of case yours is and look to find out who is responsible. After he looks into the details, he would be able to inform you what potential compensation you might be able to recover so you can pay for medical treatment and other costs you incur. He will then file a lawsuit and proceed with all the necessary steps. If you don’t seek legal help and try to handle the situation on your own, directly contacting insurance companies or other third parties, your chances of getting the compensation you deserve – or any compensation at all – drastically decrease.
This is why you need a reliable Nevada Personal Injuries attorney to represent your best interest. PRO LAW GROUP are well known in the Las Vegas area representing families in these types of case. Our initial consultation is absolutely FREE and we encourage you to contact us at (702) 474-0500 now to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced Las Vegas Personal Injury attorneys.
Click if you want to learn about Medical Malpractice and hire a Las Vegas Medical Malpractice Attorney.
For more information on how can help you with child accident, please contact us at (702) 474-0500, or visit us here:
6655 West Sahara avenue
Suite D220 (Building D)
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Las Vegas Child Accident Lawyer
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