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DUI Accident Attorney

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Las Vegas DUI Accident Attorney


Every day in the USA nearly 30 people die in accidents involving alcohol-impaired drivers. That equates to one person dying at the hands of a drunk driver every 51 minutes.  Being involved in any accident is potentially going to be physically and psychologically damaging, however being involved in a DUI related accident can often leave the victims and their families with a lot of unanswered questions, because of the senseless decision of someone to drive while they are drunk.

Before being able to move on with their lives, these types of accident victims need to seek professional medical help to recover from both the physical and psychological effects. This can be both time-consuming and expensive, so financial compensation is going to help tremendously and is often the only way that victims can be fully treated.

Hiring an experienced DUI accident attorney is definitely going to benefit you if you find yourself as the victim in a DUI auto accident.

PRO LAW GROUP has many years of experience in handling cases related to drunk driving. Our friendly, expert DUI lawyers will work closely with you to make sure you understand your legal options, and if necessary we will either negotiate on your behalf with the insurance companies or litigate if satisfactory compensation is not offered.  If you would like to get a free consultation to discuss your case, please contact us at (702) 474-0500 to speak to an experienced Las Vegas DUI attorney.

If someone is careless and thoughtless enough to get behind a wheel, while knowing they’ve drunk more alcohol than they should, then you can also bet they will try to wriggle out of their responsibilities when an accident happens. This could be in the form of trying to flee the scene of the accident or even lying to make it seem that the accident wasn’t their fault. If you are involved in an auto accident, regardless of whether or not you think the other driver is driving while under the influence of alcohol (or drugs), you should always call the police. Not only because this will satisfy the requirements of your insurance company, but also if the other driver is determined to be drunk, you could actually be saving the lives of others by stopping them from immediately operating that vehicle.

How a DUI attorney can help you

It has been shown in statistics that accident victims who hire an experienced DUI attorney in Nevada are more likely to get higher compensation payouts than those victims who opt to go it alone. Remember that insurance companies are not necessarily looking to pay you what you deserve as a victim, but even when it has been proven that their insured client was at fault, the insurance is still going to pay you as little as possible to make the problem go away. This is not something that an experienced DUI accident attorney is going to allow because they are representing you and looking out for your best interests and not the interest of the insurance company or the drunk-driver.

We at PRO LAW GROUP know how insurance companies operate and have represented many clients who have been involved in cases like this. If you are the victim of a DUI driver, don’t leave it to chance, and call us at (702) 474-0500, so we can schedule a FREE consultation, in order to determine what your options are.

Click if you want to learn about a motorcycle accident and hire a Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Attorney.

For more information on how (702) 474-0500, or visit us here:


6655 West Sahara avenue
Suite D220 (Building D)
Las Vegas, NV 89146

(702) 474-0500
Las Vegas DUI Accident Attorney

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DUI Accident Attorney Las Vegas