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After a painful divorce, the topic of who gets the house can strike fear into your heart. You may be wondering if you will ever own your home again, and fearing that you might have to live in an apartment for decades until you are finally able to buy one on your own. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

In a Nevada divorce, what happens to the house?

When a couple decides to get divorced, they enter into a lot of different discussions. One of these conversations is about who will get the house in the divorce. This can be a sensitive topic for both parties because it involves dividing up assets and deciding how to move on from this point forward.

The divorce process is a difficult process for everyone involved, but one of the most important decisions that you have to make is who gets the house. There are many factors that go into this decision, and it can be hard to know what would be best for your situation.

When a married couple is going through divorce proceedings (NRS 125.090), they commonly discuss who gets which assets. When a married couple in Nevada moves from the marital home, 50% of that property is awarded to each person. Divorce can affect everything from finances to children. When it comes to the marital home, many factors are taken into account before deciding who gets the house in a divorce.

Divorce in Nevada is an equitable process. This means that both parties are entitled to a fair distribution of assets, including the home if owned jointly during the marriage and any other acquisitions. Generally, after a divorce, each party will get 50% of the marital property during their lifetime. The decision of who gets the house following a divorce can sometimes create problems when considering large assets, which often have to be sold in order for the proceeds to be distributed.

To know the causes of divorce please read NRS 125.010.

Many divorcing couples negotiate an asset distribution and submit it to the court. The court also may order distribution for the spouses. If you have a court case regarding your divorce, the judge will consider various factors to decide how assets are distributed.

Property Division in Divorce

When going through a divorce, one of the most contentious issues that couples often have to address is the division of assets, and determining who gets the house can be particularly challenging due to its emotional value and financial implications.

In Nevada, settling property matters during divorce centers on the equitable distribution of assets and debts between spouses. The state operates under the community property principle, deeming assets acquired during the marriage joint property, irrespective of the individual’s spouse’s ownership. However, achieving equity in distribution doesn’t necessarily translate to an equal 50-50 split; instead, it seeks a just allocation based on several factors.

The factors influencing property division encompass considerations such as each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, the duration of the union, each party’s financial standing and earning potential, and prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Assets classified as separate property—those owned before marriage or obtained through inheritance or gifts—may be excluded from the division.

Effectively managing property division in a Nevada divorce necessitates thoroughly examining financial circumstances and legal intricacies. This process ensures a fair and reasonable distribution of assets and debts among the involved parties. Given the complexities, individuals undergoing divorce in Nevada are strongly encouraged to seek the guidance of legal professionals, particularly a family law attorney. These professionals can provide valuable advice to help individuals comprehend their rights and responsibilities, ensuring a smoother resolution to the divorce settlement.

Types of Property in a Divorce

In divorce, property is generally categorized into two main types: marital and separate. The distinction between these types is crucial in determining how assets are distributed.

1. Marital Property

Marital property refers to assets and debts accumulated by one or both the husband, wife, or spouses during their marriage. This encompasses a broad spectrum of belongings, from the family home and joint bank accounts to vehicles, furniture, and other properties acquired during the marital union. The division of marital property is typically guided by the principle of equitable distribution across many jurisdictions. This concept ensures a fair allocation of assets and debts, considering factors such as the respective contributions of each spouse to the marriage, their financial circumstances, and the duration of the marital relationship.

This equitable approach aims to achieve a just division, recognizing the unique circumstances of each marriage rather than adhering rigidly to an equal 50-50 split. Seeking advice from legal professionals, particularly family law attorneys, is crucial for navigating the complexities of property settlement and safeguarding the rights and interests of each party involved.

2. Separate Property

Separate property, however, refers to assets and debts individually owned by one spouse, usually exempt from division during divorce proceedings. This classification includes assets obtained before marriage, inheritances received, gifts designated for one partner, and any property explicitly labeled separately in a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Typically, kept separate from marital assets, exclusive ownership of separate property lies with the possessing spouse.

However, challenges may emerge if there is mingling or transformation of separate assets, posing complexities in upholding this clear distinction. Navigating these intricacies is crucial in ensuring a fair and legally sound resolution, especially in states governed by community property rules, where understanding the terms of a divorce agreement is paramount in the equitable distribution process.

3. Community Property

In jurisdictions governed by community property, assets and debts accrued during the marriage are commonly treated as shared assets belonging to both spouses, regardless of the original owner. This encompasses various elements, including income, real estate holdings, and other assets accumulated throughout the marital partnership. Notably, even if one spouse is the sole earner, both partners typically retain an equal ownership interest in the community property states.

When a divorce occurs, the division of community property state frequently adheres to an equitable distribution, often resulting in a 50-50 split, ensuring fairness in the allotment of marital assets. Achieving clarity and accuracy in this division is critical, often necessitating a court order or a comprehensive settlement agreement to navigate the complexities of a divorce case, providing clear terms and safeguarding the rights and interests of each party involved.

Understanding the property types is essential for a fair and comprehensive division of assets during divorce proceedings. Legal professionals, such as lawyers, play a crucial role in helping individuals navigate the complexities of property division, ensuring that each party’s rights and interests are appropriately addressed based on the specific circumstances of their marriage.

Gets the House in a Divorce Las Vegas

Factors Considered in the Property Division

Property division during divorce is a multifaceted process, and various factors are considered to ensure an equitable distribution of assets and debts between spouses. These factors determine each party’s fair share and can vary depending on the jurisdiction. Here are five key factors commonly considered in property division:

1. Contributions to the Marriage

When evaluating each spouse’s contributions to a marriage, a thorough assessment encompasses both financial and non-financial elements. Financial contributions comprise the monetary support provided by each spouse, including income earned and financial investments made throughout the marriage. Equally vital are non-financial contributions that enhance the marital partnership’s overall quality, such as homemaking responsibilities, childcare duties, and other non-monetary efforts contributing to the family’s well-being and cohesion.

Recognizing and valuing this array of contributions establishes a comprehensive understanding of each spouse’s role, forming the basis for equitable consideration in property division during divorce or dissolution proceedings. Clarity and accuracy in this evaluation are crucial, often formalized through a settlement agreement or court order, ensuring a fair and legally sound arrangement in line with the laws and regulations governing divorce in the respective jurisdiction.

2. Duration of the Marriage

The duration of a marriage significantly shapes the complexities involved in property division during divorce proceedings. In longer marriages, there is often a more intricate intermingling of assets, debts, and shared financial responsibilities, resulting in a multifaceted financial landscape. This complexity necessitates a more detailed and nuanced approach to property distribution state. Courts may adopt distinct strategies or factor in additional considerations when allocating assets in lengthier marriages instead of shorter ones.

The reasoning behind this differentiation stems from the notion that the longer the marriage, the more extensive the financial intertwining, demanding a thorough examination and consideration of each spouse’s contributions and needs for a just and equitable resolution. Judges consider various aspects, such as the age of the parties, retirement accounts, and other life goals, to make well-informed decisions that address the unique financial conditions of each case.

3. Financial Circumstances

A crucial aspect of divorce proceedings is the comprehensive financial assessment of each spouse, which involves evaluating income, earning capacity, and financial needs. This thorough examination is pivotal in determining the financial standing of each party after the divorce. By scrutinizing the spouses’ financial situation, courts strive to achieve an equitable distribution of assets and financial resources, considering each individual’s earning potential and financial requirements.

This consideration is essential in formulating a fair and sustainable resolution that addresses the economic well-being of both parties as they navigate their post-divorce lives. Judges aim to alleviate the financial burden by making informed decisions on matters such as alimony, child support, and the distribution of assets, ensuring a sense of financial balance for each other in light of their circumstances and goals.

4. Type of Property

The characterization of assets and debts is of utmost importance. The delineation between marital and separate property shapes the division process. Marital property, which constitutes assets accumulated during the marriage, typically undergoes division between spouses. In contrast, separate property, including assets owned pre-marriage or acquired through inheritance, often retains its status as the sole possession of the individual spouse. This distinction guides a nuanced approach to property division, considering each asset’s origins and legal status, fostering a sense of fairness and clarity in the overall distribution process. Judges often rely on these distinctions to ensure a just and equitable resolution in divorce cases, alleviating the burden of deciding on asset and debt distribution.

5. Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements wield significant influence in divorce proceedings, profoundly shaping the dynamics of property division. These legal agreements, crafted by spouses before or during their marriage, intricately detail specific terms and conditions governing the distribution of assets and debts in the event of a divorce. Courts routinely afford substantial respect to the provisions delineated in these agreements, provided they meet legal standards and are deemed fair and legally sound. Such agreements inject predictability and transparency into the divorce process, serving as contractual frameworks mutually agreed upon by the spouses. By upholding the terms of prenuptial or postnuptial agreements, the court seeks to honor the parties’ autonomy and uphold the agreements forged during mutual understanding, fostering a more streamlined and amicable resolution to property division matters.

Navigating property division requires a careful examination of these and potentially other factors, depending on the specific circumstances of the divorce. Legal professionals, such as family law attorneys, play a crucial role in guiding individuals through this process, ensuring a fair and legally sound resolution that considers all relevant factors.

Determining Who Gets The House

Another contentious issue in divorces is one party’s claim to the marital home, as this often serves as a battleground for child custody and visitation rights. It can be hard for a child to move during middle school or high school, and parents may need to stay in the same house for work purposes. When deciding who gets the house in a divorce, you need to be mindful of different factors that will determine what happens.

In regard to visitation rights, you may know more about it through NRS 125C.010.

The decision of what to do with a house in a divorce depends on several factors, including: whether the home is sold and divided, refinance credits are given so one spouse has enough money for monthly mortgage payments or insurance if it will be refinanced after certain events (such as all children graduated from high school).

Moreover, when going through a divorce, determining who gets the house can be a complex process that may involve options such as selling the property and dividing the proceeds, or one party buying out the other’s share. The option of a buyout allows one party to retain ownership of the house by compensating the other party for their share of the property’s value. One common method used to determine the value of the property in question is through a professional appraisal conducted by a licensed real estate appraiser. Once the value of the property in question is determined through a professional appraisal conducted by a licensed real estate appraiser, the next step in determining who gets the house in a divorce is assessing the individual circumstances and needs of each spouse, taking into account factors such as the financial contributions made during the marriage, the presence of children, and the sentimental attachment to the residence. Furthermore, another crucial factor to consider in determining who gets the house in a divorce is whether both parties agree to sell the property and divide the proceeds or if one party wishes to retain the house and buy out the other’s share.

Options for Handling the House in Divorce

Deciding the future of the family home is a pivotal aspect of the divorce process. Various options are available, each with distinct implications and considerations. One common strategy involves selling the property and equitably dividing the proceeds, offering a clean financial break for both spouses. Alternatively, a buyout arrangement allows one spouse to retain ownership by compensating the other for their share. Some couples may choose a co-ownership model, maintaining joint ownership for a defined period or until specific conditions are met.

In situations involving children, a spouse might be granted the right to reside in the home until a predetermined event triggers its sale or transfer of ownership. Financial considerations, emotional ties, and the well-being of any children influence the choices regarding the family homes. Legal and financial professionals play a pivotal role in guiding individuals through these options, ensuring alignment with long-term goals and the unique circumstances of their divorce, considering aspects like clarity in the settlement agreement, accuracy in the property’s value assessment, and adherence to court orders and relevant laws.

Who Gets the House in a Divorce

Valuing and Appraising the House

Assessing a household’s value is crucial in various real estate dealings, with divorce proceedings being a notable scenario where the fate of the family home hinges on this evaluation. This crucial step involves determining the property’s monetary worth and establishing an objective foundation for fair distribution or other financial decisions.

Licensed appraisers play a crucial role in this process, considering the property’s size, condition, location, comparable sales, and distinctive features to provide an accurate valuation. House valuation holds particular significance in divorce, influencing decisions on whether to sell, buy out, or co-own the property. The precision of the appraisal is paramount for ensuring an equitable and just resolution, especially in the division of assets or determining financial compensation between spouses.

Often guided by specific laws governing property division in the jurisdiction, legal and financial professionals collaborate with appraisers to align the assessed value with legal standards and the overarching goals of the divorcing parties. This meticulous valuation facilitates property division and enhances the transparency and fairness of the overall divorce settlement.

Negotiating a Settlement Agreement

Negotiating a settlement agreement is crucial in various legal contexts, including divorce, personal injury cases, and business disputes. This process entails parties engaging in discussions to collaboratively reach a mutually agreeable resolution, circumventing the need for prolonged litigation. In divorce cases, the settlement agreement delineates terms related to property division, alimony, and child custody, offering a customized and often more amicable resolution than court rulings.

Similarly, in personal injury cases, negotiation allows parties to agree on compensation terms swiftly, bypassing lengthy court proceedings. Business disputes often involve negotiation for adjustments in contracts or compensation. Successful negotiation relies on effective communication, compromise, and a comprehensive understanding of the legal implications of the agreement.

Attorneys are pivotal in guiding clients through this process, ensuring the terms align with their interests and rights. Negotiation flexibility empowers parties to craft agreements tailored to their unique circumstances, fostering a collaborative and less adversarial approach to conflict resolution.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Q. Who typically gets the house in a divorce settlement?

The division of the house in a divorce settlement depends on various factors, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. In many cases, the house may be sold, and the proceeds are then divided between the spouses. Alternatively, one spouse may buy out the other’s share, allowing one to keep the house. The outcome often hinges on considerations such as each spouse’s financial situation, contributions to the home, and the best interests of any children involved. Legal and financial professionals can provide guidance tailored to the specific circumstances of the divorce

Q. What factors influence the decision on who gets the house?

In many divorce cases, both spouses cannot keep the house in its entirety due to the practicalities of shared ownership. Typically, the options include selling the house and dividing the proceeds, one spouse buying out the other’s share, or arranging a co-ownership agreement for a specified period. The final decision often depends on factors like financial resources, agreements reached during divorce proceedings, and the laws of the jurisdiction. While it’s challenging for both spouses to retain the house fully, various arrangements can be negotiated to achieve a fair and practical resolution.

Q. What if one spouse wants to keep the house but cannot afford it?

If one spouse desires to retain the house but lacks the financial means to do so or is a non-working spouse, several options may be considered. One potential solution involves negotiating a buyout arrangement, where the spouse who wishes to keep the house compensates the other for their share of the property’s value. This can be achieved through various means, such as refinancing the mortgage or utilizing other assets for the buyout. Alternatively, exploring creative financial arrangements or seeking advice from a financial advisor or real estate professional may offer potential solutions. In some cases, if an agreement cannot be reached, the house may need to be sold, and the proceeds divided according to the terms of the divorce settlement. The specific approach depends on the circumstances of the individuals involved and the laws of the jurisdiction governing the divorce.

Q. Does custody of children affect who gets the house in a divorce?

The custody of children can potentially impact the determination of who gets the house in a divorce. In many cases, the parent awarded primary custody of the children may also be granted possession of the family home. This arrangement is often made to provide stability and continuity for the children, allowing them to remain in a familiar environment. However, the decision can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the divorce, state laws, and the preferences of the parties involved. Factors such as financial considerations, the ability to maintain the home, and the overall best interests of the children will also be taken into account in making this determination. It’s advisable to consult with legal professionals to understand how custody arrangements may influence property division in a divorce.

Q. What happens if both spouses want to sell the house?

If both spouses want to sell the house, they typically have a few options. Firstly, they can agree on the terms of the sale, such as the listing price, how the proceeds will be divided, and other relevant details. Once an agreement is reached, they can proceed with putting the house on the market. Alternatively, if there is a disagreement on the terms, they may need to seek mediation or legal advice to find a resolution. In some cases, the court may intervene to determine the fairest course of action, especially if there are conflicting interests. Ultimately, the outcome depends on the willingness of the spouses to cooperate and reach a mutual agreement or, if necessary, the decision of the court.

Q. Is it possible for both spouses to share ownership of the house after a divorce?

Yes, it is possible for both spouses to share ownership of the house after a divorce. This arrangement often occurs through various legal mechanisms, such as a co-ownership agreement, where both ex-spouses maintain joint ownership of the property. Another option is a “buyout,” where one spouse buys the other’s share, allowing the remaining spouse to retain sole ownership. Alternatively, some couples choose to continue co-owning the property for practical reasons, especially when children are involved, to provide stability in residence. The specific arrangement can be negotiated and outlined in the divorce settlement agreement, providing clarity on the terms of shared ownership.

Contact Divorce Attorney Las Vegas

Selecting the divorce attorneys at Donn W. Prokopius, Chtd in Las Vegas is a strategic decision for individuals seeking guidance and representation in divorce matters. Renowned for our expertise and dedication, this firm provides comprehensive support to clients navigating the intricacies of divorce proceedings. The attorneys at Donn W. Prokopius, Chtd bring extensive experience in family law, offering tailored advice and effective representation.

We prioritize understanding each client’s unique situation, working towards favorable outcomes in crucial areas like property division, alimony, child custody, and support. Known for our legal excellence and commitment, this firm stands out as a trusted choice for those in Las Vegas seeking knowledgeable and compassionate representation during divorce, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and a fair resolution in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

It is hard to let go of the house you knew as your home during your marriage, but sometimes it is necessary. If you have any questions about who gets to keep the house in a divorce, don’t hesitate to rely on the experience and expertise of our expert Divorce Attorneys in Las Vegas at Donn W. Prokopius, Chtd to schedule a consultation.

For more information on how can help you about Who Gets the House in a Divorce, please contact us at (702) 474-0500, or visit us here:

Donn W. Prokopius, Chtd.

6655 West Sahara avenue
Suite D220 (Building D)
Las Vegas, NV 89146

(702) 474-0500

Divorce Lawyer Las Vegas